
amongst few will host a cartoon-inspired dinner in Dubai

The dinner draws inspiration from Alice in Wonderland, The Simpsons and more.

Fashion and food come together at dine-w/me X amongst few. The event takes place at amongst few café in Dubai on 8 and 9 June. If you’re a fan of cartoons, then this will be a cute and colourful event. Tickets are available now, and here’s what to expect. 

dine-w/me X amongst few has come together to create the event. The team have reimagined food from popular characters in anime and cartoons. The inspiration comes from Alice in Wonderland, Kung Fu Panda and The Simpsons.

Guests will be gathered around a communal table, and the menu includes five dishes and two drinks. Vegetarians are also catered for with a special menu. The menu spans appetisers, mains and desserts. 

The starters include a Bug’s Bunny Carrot Salad with feta cheese, and Po’s Bread Buns with veggies. The mains include a Lady and the Tramp Spaghetti and Meatballs with mozzarella, kalamata olives and parmesan cheese. The desserts include Himi’s Strawberry French Toast, and Homer’s Spinkle Donut. 

The drinks are just as creative, and include cool mocktails. Alice’s Drink Me Potion is an iced tea with mint leaves, pomegranate and peach. Chihiro’s Bathouse Refresher is an iced tea with ginger, lemongrass, kaffir lime, passionfruit and mint.

In 2014, amongst few launched in the UAE. Friends Flo Moser, Khalid Bin Hadher and Mike Taylor are behind the brand. The company sells hoodies, sneakers, sweatpants and T-shirts, accessories, bags and socks. Plus, it stocks adidas, Bona Fide, Converse and Nike.

Check in with FACT for the latest things to do in Dubai.

GO: Visit for more information. 

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David Tapley - Editor-in-Chief
As editor-in-chief of the region’s most fiercely local lifestyle publication, David is a self-proclaimed hip-hop aficionado, championing all things food, travel, street art, and streetwear across the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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